About the Mediterranean Poultry Network of WPSA

The Mediterranean Poultry Network (MPN) of World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA) was established in 2008. The MPN of the WPSA presently operates directly under the umbrella of Working Group (WG) 11 (Education and Information) of WPSA’s European Federation. Mediterranean Poultry Network (MPN) of the World’s Poultry Science association (WPSA). It's constitution aims:



  1. a.    To promote WPSA activities in all the countries of the Mediterranean region with special emphasis on the Eastern and Southern parts. 
  2. b.    To help expand membership of the WPSA in all countries of the Mediterranean region by creating new contacts with people involved in the poultry sector
  3. c.    To promote the spread of knowledge in the field of poultry science through encouragement for research, education and extension.
  4. d.    To coordinate future Mediterranean Summits of WPSA by offering technical advice and know-how to the organizers to ensure the staging of appropriately focused and well-organized meetings.

In order to reach these objectives, the First Mediterranean Poultry Summit was organized by WPSA Greece Branch in May, 2008. The event was held in Chalkidiki, one of the most beautiful areas of northern Greece. The Summit, besides an impressive scientific program transferring the knowledge and experiences, also contributed to increase the relationships between scientist and industry from Mediterranean countries.

The success of the First Summit sets the tone for future summits. The 2nd Mediterranean Poultry Summit of WPSA brought together poultry scientists, educators, industry personnel and producers from the region to Antalya, Turkey in October 2009.

The third Summit was held in Egypt (Alexandria) in 2012 in conjunction with the 6th International Poultry Conference of WPSA Egypt branch. The main theme of the Summit is “Poultry production for better human health and safer environment”.

The Fourth Mediterranean Poultry Summit was held in September 2014  in the prestigious campus of the American University of Beirut – Lebanon. The Summit has distinguished itself with high level scientific content and gathered scientists from 31 countries nevertheless the difficult situation in the Middle East. The Summit hosted as well a commercial poultry show.

In contrast to previous Summits, the Fifth Mediterranean Poultry Summit of the WPSA will be held in October 2016 on board a ship cruising through the Mediterranean sea, to ports in Italy, Spain and France. This innovative idea will stimulate interest in all countries of the Mediterranean region and beyond and will attract more scientists and industry people.

We are certain that the MPN of WPSA will play an important role in facilitating further collaboration among Mediterranean countries and will contribute in a very meaningful way to the development of new WPSA branches in the Mediterranean region.

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